Monday, October 22, 2012


Contd from first Part :- Click Here  MAKING OF IDOLS- DURGA PUJA 2012- I
Now after drying,
Headless Durga

The entire process of creation of the idols (murti) from the collection of clay to the ornamentation is a holy process, supervised by rites and other rituals.
On Akshaya Tritiya, clay for the idols is collected from the banks of a river, preferably the Ganges. There is age-old custom of collecting a handful of soil (punya mati) from the nishiddho pallis of Calcutta, literally ‘forbidden territories’, where sex workers live, and adding it to the clay mixture which goes into the making of the Durga idol.
After the required rites, the clay is transported from which the idols are fashioned.

Painting is done to apply different types of colors according to the sculptural needs.
Ganesha Idol
Lips 2

Idols are then decorated with bright colored cloths and jewelry.
Wardrobe function
Jewel done

Last touch is given by making Eyes. The artist gives life by painting eyes.
The Artist -1
An important event is 'Chakkhu Daan', literally donation of the eyes. Starting with Devi Durga, the eyes of the idols are painted on Mahalaya or the first day of the Pujas. Before painting on the eyes, the artisans fast for a day and eat only vegetarian food. Great care is taken to do the head and eyes of the Goddess. As the artisans complete the idol, it looks as if life has been infused into the Goddess. (~wiki)
Makeup Collage

Then the fake Hairs are glued to give them a face.
Ready for Hairs 11
Traditional Bengali Attire
Similarly the Demon is also decorated.
Devil' s done
The Idol is almost ready for the Possession.
The Complete set (except weapons)
The Priest will come and do a small puja before they lift it and transport to the Durga Puja Celebration place. The Whole event is celebrated with Dhol and Baja (Drums and Trumpet). They will do the Arti and vermilion be smeared followed by Prasad Distribution.
Possesion ritual --> Idol turning into Goddess
Ready to Move to Puja Ground

The Face is veiled and revealed on beginning of Navaratri. All the weapons are then attached to the Durga Goddess and the Idol Making is complete..

Before and After
(The below set of pictures shows how simple clay is transformed into a beautiful Idol)
Before and After Durga Idol
Before and After Durga Idol 2
Before and After Durga Idol 3
Before and After Durga Idol 5

A finished idol is an exquisite piece of artistry. This is the Second of my story-boarding in a series of photo-features ... keep watching this space for Navaratri and Durga Puja celebration.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Student of the Year - Somewhere in Fantasy universe

I just want to ask one question to Karan Johar - Did you ever go to a real school ever , even while shooting ?
Because I have not seen school boys driving expensive cars at the vulnerable age of 17 years and wearing  designer dresses leave apart school dress.
I have never seen barring few sporting beard and sexy hairstyles. All the good especially top class schools be it Doon school, Mayo,Scindhia, Lawrence, Sherwood,Welham's, Mussourie International, Sacred Heart, DPS, DAV, St Pauls, anyone for that matter are disciplined and have a good fleet of teachers. Dean is a important body not a gay caricature and then there are other important teachers like Head of departments, Principal etc.
And no college is so clean leave alone the canteen.
St Teresa school never looked to me like a convent co-educational institution rather it looked like Air Crew training Institute.
There are not just one sports teacher/faculty in entire school of the stature shown in the movie.
The main contest looks so stupid that for winning STUDENT OF THE YEAR, You need to win a treasure hunt and Prom Dance. We are still in Indian schools and Prom events are not so out of fantasy. The Guys are all good or Rich. And all Rich people have broken families. Huh...
I cannot imagine a 17 year old girl in Bikini looking Hot and seducing a guy who is all muscle. When did boys of 17 years old use dumbbells to tone their muscles like Stallone. What age did you start shaving?
Do you ever know a student who prepares for a swimming/Running/Cycling competition by going into a gym and running on treadmill. 
I haven't even seen a uni-sexual competition . And lets not talk about such a competition its like banging your own head on a brick wall where dogs donot lift their legs to pee.
One thing is sure that  Karan Johar is definitely not the director of the year. Copying three vintage songs and utilizing the fruits is not always a good idea with 4 newcomers.
The only cool and hip thing was casting Alia Bhatt, She is cute , innocent, lovely and easy to eyes. Onlly thing that ruined is her character. 
I would have loved this movie if and only if there would be statuary disclaimer like :-  "This is a work of Fantasy fiction. Characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and no way it can be related remotely to any resemblance to actual schools, events or locales or persons, living or dead.."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

समय के ख़िलाफ़

समय के बोल के ख़िलाफ़ 
चुप रह कर मरोगे 
दुनिया दफ़न कर देगी |
आवाज़ उठाओगे 
तब भी दफ़न होगे ,
चीड़-फाड़ सुई-धागे के बाद |

-सौरभ राज शरण 

This website and its content is copyright of सौरभ राज शरण © 2012. 
कॉपीराइट © सौरभ राज शरण 
All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pasta Italiano Recipe

इटालियन (Italian) खाने की बात अलग है | मेमसाब को बहुत ही शौक था | सोचा आज रेसिपी पढ़ कर रसोई में पाक कला का प्रदर्शन किया जाये | रसोईए और पड़ोसियों पर धाक जमेगी | 
आखिर छोटी शहरों में बातें , जंगलों की आग से भी तेज़ फैलती है | रसोइया भी छोटा मोटा नहीं था , बम्बई से वापस लौट कर आया था | लाखों की तरह यह भी हीरो बनने गया था , किस्मत ने साथ नहीं दिया | पेट के लिए जुहू चौपाटी पर चाइनीज़ ठेले पर नौकरी कर ली | अनिल कपूर और शाहरुख़ खान के साथ फोटो भी खिंचवा रखी थी , जब कुछ फिल्म-सितारें चौपाटी पर आते थे |खाना बनाने के साथ कुछ कहानियाँ भी बना रखी थी , डींगे हांकने के लिए अच्छे होते हैं | 

बम्बई से वापस आये हुए दस साल हो गए है इसे , पर दिन भर मेमसाब के बच्चों और गली मुहल्लों के लोगों के पुराने किस्से ले कर बैठे रहता है | लेकिन चाट और छोले अच्छे बनाता  है | बच्चों को चिकेन मंचूरियन अच्छा लगता है तो साहब को चिल्ली चिकेन |मसालेदार खाने में माहिर था यह  |
मेमसाब ने पास्ता (Pasta) बाज़ार से मंगवाया | सिर्फ पराग नोवेल्टी स्टोर पर ही मिलता है , उसने घर पर ही पहुंचा दिया | बोला - "पहली बार किसी ने ख़रीदा है , बाकी सब तो नूडल्स ही लेते है "| मैडम भी इतराते हुए कहा "अजी हमारी बात अलग है "|
रसोयिए को प्याज़ काटने के लिए बोला , ब्रोकली (Broccoli) तो मिली नहीं , सो मशरूम और शिमला मिर्च से काम चलाना पड़ा | रसोयिए ने उत्सुकता दिखाई - "मेमसाब , आज खाना आप बनायेंगी ?  मैं कुछ मदद करूँ क्या ? वैसे क्या बना रही है ?"
इतने प्रश्न , मेमसाब ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा - "पास्ता , आता है तुम्हे "
उसने कहा - "एक बार जूही चावला को बना के खिलाया था , बहुत ही अच्छा लगा था उसको " सीना चौड़ा करते हुए कहा |
"चलो अच्छा है , फिर यह बताओ तुमने कौन से रेसिपी से बनायीं थी "
तपाक से बोला - "कौन सा चाहिए मेमसाब , मुझे सब आता है , पास्ता नोर्थ इंडियन स्टाइल में चाहिए या चाइनीज़ स्टाइल में , वैसे मैं मसाला पास्ता भी अच्छा बनाता हूँ "
मैडम ने कहा - "रहने दे , मुझे विदेशी इटालियन पास्ता ओरिजिनल बनाना है , बस देख चुपचाप , थोड़ी सी तेरे को भी दूंगी, चख लेना "|

Monday, October 8, 2012


Bangalore, September 30, 2012 with less than a month left for Durga Puja of 2012.

The biggest socio-religious festival of the Hindus, idol makers of Cox Town are working round the clock to create the beautiful images of the Goddess that would adorn the marquees and amaze the pandal hoppers.The first stage is to captures the making of the idol in their various stages for Bengali Association, Assaye Road, Bangalore.

God in Workshop

Bengal Artist specializes in preserving the age old tradition of making clay idols especially during the festive occasion of Durga Puja.
Out to Dry

Months before the Puja, these clay artisans start cutting the Bamboo sticks and making hays to bring the life out in the images of Durga. Bamboo sticks cut in various shapes and sizes are required to make the basic structure of the idols of Goddess Durga and other Gods. These are also used to make the platform on which these statues will be crafted.
Bamboo cutting
Hay clay fay

 The Goddess figure is then shaped with straw and jute strings/hays along with nails. Bamboo Nails or Iron nails are added to hold all the structures together. This skeleton structure of the idol made of Bamboo and straw, are ready for master craftsmen to give them shapes using Clay mixed with hays.
Basic structure
Now they are left in open space to dry up. On a good sunny weather it might take 3-5 days to dry making it a lengthy and a back breaking process. I was surprised to know that the whole processes are evenly divided between experts. Experts of each group where one group is doing the cutting, other is creating the platform and so on. This diligent and methodical work by the experts gives us the picture perfect Idols.
Sculpture Artist
Lakshmi and Durga
Simultaneously, one group will apply the clay mix while other will cast the head, palms and feet. The Mould is created by plaster of Paris and by skilled artisans.
The Face is made of soil collected from Ganga Basin and brought down from Calcutta (Kolkata) to Bangalore. Rest of statue is made from local soil.  On drying, the mould is then separated from the clay head. This mould being hollow is then used to create innumerable clay heads for the idols of Goddess Durga and alike.
Drying Heads

Similarly they have moulds of Hands,Feet and demon’s face, teeth etc.
Hands' cast
Thumbs - Up
Making of Fingers
Ready to Hold Weapons
The next stage of idol making is applying the layers of clay. To avoid any cracking of clay surface the solution is mixed with high percentage of water. Now the fine clay is applied for paint surface. Palms, Fingers, head and feet which are separately made are attached with the main torso at this stage.  Then they are carefully chiseling into a better shape.
Lion, Tamed
The statues are now shifted to inside warehouse, there the cotton cloth layered with fine paste of clay are pasted to the visible areas before they are painted. The Cotton cloths never crack and good to hold paints. Hence these are applied on face, hands and neck areas.
The Pose and poise
Inner Workshop - Cotton Clay Job
Ten Hands
Durga Head

Now after drying, ...............
Headless Durga

contd... in part II.
Click here for second part:-
This is the first of my story-boarding in a seriesof photo-features ... keep watching this space...

More pic:-